Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also.
The Moon, the "lesser" Great Light, In the darkness God left the light on - He created woman.
What connects the female to the moon, and what connects the Darkness to Salvation?
GENESIS 32 Segment 3
Recorded 07DEC 2024
Old Wine in New Wineskins is a series of discussion sessions aimed at women. These recordings include a prelude of 16 introductory sessions and then move on to commence an investigative study of the scriptures from the beginning.
Join us on Saturdays via Zoom at 6pm (GMT+1).
Alternatively listen to / download recorded sessions from the resource pages.
Please note:
For the live Zoom sessions participants are renamed as "Guest", assigned a random number and microphones will be muted. Communication available via Zoom chat within the app.
These steps are desinged to enable privacy and anonymity to aid participants freely express their thoughts, questions and comments.
Zoom Link available on request. Contact Us
We encourage everyone to listen to the recordings in chronological order to build a firm foundation, before joining the live sessions on Zoom.